A warm hello to whomever this page greets!
About me
I am someone who believes that, in the end, love is what this whole existence is about. I believe deeply that people are inherently good and even though our pain can cause others pain, at our core, I believe we are all made of love. Since I can remember, I have enjoyed the vulnerable spaces in life, that often help us authentically connect with ourselves and others. I absolutely love the beauty of peoples individual and communal stories. I believe in the healing power of stories. I am someone who enjoys reading books, laughing with my beautiful kids, creating rituals, last minute tattoos, walking labyrinths, unplanned roadtrips with my husband, conversations with strangers, taking care of my plants, dress up parties, reading harry potter to my kids, and dancing.
I would say my spiritual home is found in the Contemplative traditions. I resonate deeply with Perennial Wisdom that does not confine truth to any one group of people. Truth can be found anywhere, in every one of us, and in every tradition. We just have many different names for the same thing. In my experience, love is what reminds me of whats true. There are many people who say they have the truth, but act without love, and there are many people who love but have different ways of naming it. I try to look for love over the “right” words. I believe love is not only what we are made for, but what we are made of, and every one of us have access to this love.
I’ll end this small look into who I am by stating that I am also ever changing. I am learning to be a person who welcomes life as it unfolds, and moves with, not against, internal and external shifts. That being said, in a few years this bio may look a bit different, and i’m ok with that!
Why this work?
In March 2020, the same week that the quarantine started in California, my father was diagnosed with Lung Cancer that had spread to his brain. We had six months with him, until his body transitioned. Those six months were filled with the most painful moments of my life thus far, and the most beautiful. I experienced screams come out of my body that I didn’t know could exist, and at the same time the presence of a love in moments that was so strong I felt I could burst. As my fathers body was nearing the end he looked to me and said, “There is beauty in your pain, let it awaken your being.” These words, to this day, continue to seep deeper and deeper into my heart. I believe that the pain that often accompanies death, has this wild capacity to awaken us into presence. I think this is true for those who are both actively dying, and those experiencing the many deaths we experience before we die. In midst the deep, and truly unexplainable pain, my father and my family experienced, we experienced some of the most meaningful moments that changed us and awakened us in a multitude of ways. Death has this ability to reveal to us what matters in life, and thus shift how we move in the world. This work, inspired by my dad, is about creating spaces that navigate the complexities of death with grace and openness, without trying to manipulate outcomes. This work is about reframing how we see death, in order to live more conscious and embodied lives, at every stage.
My Training
Bachelors Degree in Theological Studies with an Intercultural Emphasis
10+ Years of Pastoral Experience
Enneagram Coach Certification
Alumni of The Center For Action and Contemplations Living School Program
Certified End of Life Coach through The Conscious Dying Institute
Certified Sacred Passage/ Death Doula through The Conscious Dying Institute