End of Life Work
Coaching Sessions
Take steps towards healing in all 6 domains of the self by gently examining your life through the lens of mortality.
(6 Domains: Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, practical, relational.)
Set up your End of Life plan now so your loved ones know your wishes, and your affairs are in order in the event of a sudden death.
Walk one on one with a certified coach, through a curated process, for 8 session.
Lasting from 4 to 8 months depending on your desired speed. Clients can choose either one or two times a month.
Meet in person or online for each session. If at any point the client would like to end the process, those wishes are completely honored.
Sessions last anywhere from 1.5 to 2 hours.
Expect a gentle check in between sessions, unless asked otherwise.
End your time with a personalized “death coffer,” if you wish, that holds all of your important information, letters to loved ones, legacy stories, and family heirlooms you wish to be passed on.
Guided End of Life Meditation
Brief Conversation about ones relationship with death.
Guided Meditation walking through the physical and spiritual stages of death.
Short time of journaling.
Processing the meditation together.
Death with Friends
Facilitated Night of conversations and activities around death for you and your friends/ family
Guided Meditation to help the group gently examine their mortality
Self- Reflecting, obituary writing activity
A super fun crowd pleaser death focused activity sure to make you laugh
End of life educational information, along with a checklist of what you should do to plan for your end of life
Sharing space designed to let loved ones in on one another wishes
Death Box
Wooden Box with the poem, “When deaths embrace greets me, and my body fades, always and forever, love remains.”
Checklist of Logistical needs for the person to fulfill and have notarized for the event of sudden death.
Questionnaire to be filled out that expresses the persons wishes in the event of death.
Letters to be filled out to loved ones.
Ink pad with paper for person to place their fingerprints and kiss mark.
Family Tree and Family Heirloom list to be filled out.
Post Death Body Care Wishes.
Celebration of Life wishes form.
Anointing Oil, along with anointing blessing.